Pollutants, dust, dander, pollen, smoke and even pathogens such as viruses and bacteria all can be suspended in the air you breathe, even when you don't see them.
Poor indoor air quality is associated with an increased risk of respiratory illness, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, and difficulty breathing.
The indoor air quality specialists at Scott Comfort Systems can quickly diagnose and correct most indoor air problems. We offer a variety of top-quality products that ensure your indoor environment is as safe and clean as it can possibly be, including ultraviolet lights, humidifiers/dehumidifiers, air purifiers, media filters, ventilators and cleaners.
Old ductwork can also be a source of pollutants and bad odors. We offer modern, flexible ductwork that is less prone to contamination, and can offer the benefit of greater air flow and efficiency.
Call us today to arrange for an indoor air quality consultation.